National Beliefs

reform house of commons banner small

House of Commons Reform We will restore integrity back to the House of Commons. Too many MPs have vested interests, second jobs, directorships and are influenced by lobbyists and their paymasters. No man can have two masters. MPs primary concern should always be their constituents.

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Civil Service Reform The civil service is in need of reform. Have you ever noticed that whoever gets into power. nothing significant seems to change. Many in the civil service appear to have their own agenda which is implemented regardless of the wishes of the public. We will reform the civil service and make them […]

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House of Lords Reform The House of Lords is little more than a reward process for politicians, activists and lobbyists. We need to reform the House of Lords so it is an elected second chamber that reflects the nation. The House of Lords is massively bloated with far more Lords than we have MPs.

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BBC Reform National broadcasters, funded by compulsory public taxes need to be completely impartial. This has proved to be impossible for the BBC to achieve or accept and it is time for the funding model for the BBC to change. It is unfair on the many millions of people who do not consume BBC content […]

protect our democratic freedoms banner small

Democracy Democracy is at risk. We have an unelected Prime Minister, forced upon us, taking the country in a direction no one voted for. Freedom of speech and freedom of choice are the cornerstones of our democratic country. If we don’t defend them against the inch by inch erosion of our civil liberties then who […]

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Foreign Policy We give foreign aid to countries with a space program. Where is our space program? Maybe we could afford our own space program if we didn’t keep handing out our taxpayers money to countries that clearly don’t need it. We need to cut our foreign aid spending currently running at £14 billion a […]

end smart motorways banner small

Transport Smart motorways are dangerous, HS2 is a massive waste of money, our roads are in disrepair and the only thing we see is higher car taxes, more cameras, higher fuel costs and low emission zones that further penalise working people. Our transport policy isn’t working. For all our efforts to penalise motorists and slow […]

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Law & Order We need to restore the police presence on the streets of the UK. We need our police officers to police crime with out fear or favour. Our court system and judiciary is broken we need to redress the imbalance between crime and punishment and streamline the judicial process to speed up minor […]

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The Environment We are driving ourselves back to the 70’s in order to hit Net Zero targets plucked out of thin air to protect the environment. We are making ourselves poorer, colder and less competitive in a drive for a questionable, virtue signaling green goal. We could achieve Net Zero in the UK tomorrow and […]

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Social Care Reform Social care has created a bottleneck within the NHS. We have a bed blocking problem, which in turn caused an ambulance stacking problem. Back in the early 90’s we had 340,000 hospital beds, today we have just 130,000 beds, but far more NHS staff. In the early 90’s our population was 56,000,000. […]

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